بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Imam, President of
National Umma Party
Al sadig Al mahdi
7th October 2014
H. E. Ehuru Kenyatta
President of the Republic of Kenya
Dear Brother,
Please accept my warmest congratulations for your brave respect for the Rule of Law.
Many persons in high office believe that their status exempts them and puts them above the law. Some African leaders have sought to make their positions a shield against the Rule of Law.
The Rule of Law is a cardinal pillar of democracy.
We as Peoples in democracy – deficient counties pinned our hopes in the Universal Human Rights package to offer some moral guarantee against Human Rights abuses.
Ever since the entry of the International Criminal court into International Law, we have regarded it as a protection against impunity. Therefore, we regard your decision to stand trial before the court as a private citizen enhances your position as a democrat, and upholds the position of the court as an instrument of Justice.
Whaterver the Legal Judgment, your respect for the rule of Law puts you in a moral high ground and promotes your esteem in the eyes of the Peoples, especially the victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
On behalf of many Peoples, I embrace your position and congratulate you, the Government and Peoples of Kenya for your respectable decision.
I am yours
Al Sadig Al Mahdi